A living trust is a legal document that, just like a will, contains instructions for what an individual wants to happen to their assets when they die.
But unlike a will, a living trust can avoid probate at death, control all of one’s assets, and prevent the court from controlling one’s assets if an individual becomes incapacitated or dies.
When an individual with trust planning dies, the primary goal is to carry out the wishes of the deceased while taking advantage of the opportunities for short- and long-term savings in income, property, and estate taxes in order to transfer the most wealth to the decedent’s beneficiaries.
The more prepared individuals are to take on the role of trustee, the more comfortable and successful they will be in fulfilling their responsibilities.
For this reason, our living trust attorney is always available to assist our clients and their family members in understanding the trust administration process to better prepare for the future.

Trust Dovetail to Assist and Guide You
After a loved one dies or becomes disabled, our living trust attorney can assist and guide successor trustees in carrying out their duties by: